Saturday, November 14, 2009

Just Make out the Check for $24,661

Yep, that’s your part. If every one of us, that includes our children, sends a check to the US Treasury for $24,661, we can pay off President Obama’s National ‘Credit Card’ Debt. Now, that’s if we can restrain the President from spending our money like a mad man on needless pork projects, government run health care, and an unnecessary second stimulus plan. But what’s the chance of that? No liberal ever met a tax payer dollar they couldn’t keep from spending, so in their minds, President Obama can continue America’s march to national poverty. Nancy, Harry, and the rest of the liberal Congress will just keep raising your taxes to cover the bill.
The danger here is China may decide that continuing to buy America’s debt may no longer be a good investment. The only other option President Obama has then is to crank up the printing presses and flood the world with increasing worthless dollars. When the President does that, you better be ready for inflation. Even the Fed won’t be able to hold down interest rates hikes at that point, and soon your $24,661 may not be enough to buy a loaf of bread.

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