Sunday, March 22, 2009

President Obama’s appearance on The Tonight Show this week received a great deal of attention by all of the network news departments. With the exception of Fox News, the lead story was that President Obama was the first sitting President to appear on a late night talk show. They all reported he was pushing his economic plan with CNN categorizing his performance as “Charming”. Then, as a secondary story, they commented the President committed a ‘gaffe’ when he compared his bowling ability to “Special Olympics”. Much to the President’s credit, he called Timothy Shriver, Chairman of Special Olympics, and apologized for his comment – and this was even before the show aired on NBC. All in all, his gaffe should not have been a major news story – the President is human, and he screwed up, immediately recognized what he did was wrong, and took corrective action. Kudos to the President.
But, Fox News brought up an interesting point – what if the same situation occurred and it had been President George W. Bush instead of the liberal left’s darling, President Obama? One could only imagine the outrage. Liberal Democrats would have been forming lynch mobs. The Liberal Press at CNN, MSKGB, and the big three would have been painting President Bush as an insensitive, uncaring, ignorant, evil rich person. No amount of apology on his part would have been sufficient to compensate for his transgression. So this is the real story about the Special Olympics gaffe, not that is was made, but that it is just another shining example of the continuing “Free Pass” liberals receive in the media – with the exception of Fox News, which was bold enough to point this out.

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