Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Tax Man Cometh….

“Eat the Rich” is now the battle cry of the spend, spend, spend, liberals. A leader in this rush to kill any economic recovery is Congressman (D) Charles Rangel. Using one of the standards of the Democratic Party, which is sell a tax increase by advertising it as a tax only on the rich, they usually can fool the middle class that they won’t be effected. His plan is to tax only those people who make more than $250,000 a year. Now, to the Old NCO, that’s a bucket full of money. But, America wasn’t built by people working hard to become poor.
Charlie’s plan has worked in the past, but the average Joe is more informed today than before and most have wised up to the liberal’s fraud. Fact is, raising taxes on any American, taxes us all. Only a flaming idiot thinks that “the rich” won’t pass on any tax burden by raising the price on products their companies produce, laying off employees, or closing the doors of their businesses all together.
Bottom line - raising taxes in the middle of an economic downturn only makes the economy worse. It’s a dumb idea. It didn’t work for Jimmy Carter, and it won’t work for Obama.

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