Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The War on Fox News

For the last few weeks, Obama’s Socialist Army has been on the airways telling us Fox News is some evil, right wing organization, which should not be taken seriously, either by us or any other “real” news organization. This is obviously an attempt by the President and his staff to silence any decent in the press and eliminate any reporting that is unfavorable or critical to the President and his socialist agenda.
So is this what President Obama has to worry about? Really? There’s the war in Afghanistan, which General Stanley McChrystal is waiting for some kind of decision from the President on troop strength while American troops are in the line of fire. There’s still the issue of Iraq, which requires an exit strategy. There’s the nuclear threat from Iran and North Korea. And of course there’s the economy, the rising unemployment, the failed stimulus package, and the runaway national debt with its pressure to set off inflation.
So what does Obama’s Socialist Army feel the biggest threat to America is today? Well, it must be Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, & Bill O’Reily. And when all the real issues they should be concerned with get much worse and expose the failure of this administration to address them, I’m sure they will find a way to blame it all on George W. Bush.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

If it wasn't for FOX we wouldn't have heard about a lot of issues. I certianly feel for anyone that has family in the service right now, very bad situation going on.