Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Helloooooooooooooo Mr. Wilson!!!!!!

Hey Mr. Wilson, I gotta tell ya what happened to me! I got a call from my newest bestest buddy, Barack. And guess what he told me? He said I could take a ride in his big shinny air-o-plane! So I went to Washington DC and he and I flew in his big plane back to Ohio!!
While we were flying, he told me about his big plans to help doctors and stuff. He said it would be really keen for me to say I liked his ideas. And cause he was giving me a ride in his plane, he wondered if I could tell the reporter people that I liked his health care thingy. I don’t really understand what he was talking about, but it sounded like kinda OK to me. But who cares, I got to RIDE IN HIS BIG PLANE!
Seriously, Dennis Kucinich’s presidential plane ride and subsequent flip flop on his support of Obamacare is just one more example of a Congressman’s vote being bought by the current administration – and with our tax dollars by the way. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of secret pay-offs, back room deals, and more under the table “wink, wink, nod, nod" quid pro quo arrangements to purchase enough votes to cram socialized heathcare down the throats of an American public that has made it very clear they don’t want it.
I wonder how many more Congressional Democratics are for sale.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

Old NCO you crack me up ! And sad that all this is true....