Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tea Party Effect?

Could it be that those groups of folks in those funny clothes carrying their home made signs actually made a difference in yesterday’s primary elections? Any incumbent, be they Democrat or Republican, who appears to be part of the established “politics as usual” trying to retain their jobs in the upcoming 2010 elections had better take notice. While the liberal press is reporting that there seems to be an ’anti incumbent’ feeling among voters, this old NCO thinks they miss the point - in that the Tea Party folks do one thing very well - they make it to the polls and they vote.
The bigger story is that incumbent Democrats need to take notice of what happened in Pennsylvania yesterday to Obama loyalist Arlen Specter. Remember that Senator Specter, who was a long time Republican dumped his party and become a Democrat when Obama-mania was sweeping the country in 2008. Arlen supported President Obama’s policies and gave his much needed vote for the socialist healthcare bill. But take note that when old Arlen needed support in his Democratic primary bid, President Obama’s or Vice President Biden‘s support was no where to be found. They were MIA. Basically, they felt Specter was a lost cause, and since there wasn’t any political upside to supporting someone who had been loyal to them, they basically threw good old Arlen “under the bus”. So the message from the White House to all incumbent Democrats running for reelection this fall is even through you supported your President, don’t expect the same in return.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

It was certainly a great day yesterday for the republic. If Specter had won Obama would be sucking right up to him. Keep the press on fellow Americans and clean this mess in Washington up.