Thursday, October 14, 2010

Run Away! Run Away!

With apologies and credit to the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, there’s one thing Democrats know how to do this election season and that’s to follow King Arthur’s command to “Run Away”. It appears the Killer Rabbit was hot on the heels of Obama’s Congressional Socialist brethren as they ran out of Washington back to their home districts and states – only to once again “Run Away” from anything Obama in a desperate hope that they can once again, fool their constituents that Socialism is the answer to America’s economic problems. To do this, they need to run away from their ‘accomplishments’, like running away from the unpopular healthcare bill – running away from the failed stimulus bill – and running away the bail outs. Democrats can’t run on their record, so expect most to hide from these issues – even hiding from the fact that they are Democrats.
The Socialist Obama and his wife are on the campaign trail asking you to support Democrats so they can finish what they have started – but based on what they have done to this country so far, do you really want them to?

1 comment:

gatordude said...

What's really crazy is that Mrs. Obama is out saying "Barack knew this was not going to be fixed fast". Seems like they were saying something else when they were trying to get elected. More like pass this bill or else the sky will fall. They pass it and the sky is still falling. I won't vote for another Democrat for as long as I live, all liars.