Sunday, October 31, 2010

Who Will Show Up?

Next Tuesday we all have an opportunity -- an opportunity to change the course of America using the only tool we have – our vote. There will be two outcomes on Tuesday night – either the Obama Democrats will stay in power, or Republicans will take enough seats in the house to obtain a majority – and quite possibly, the Republicans will take control of the Senate. If this were to happen, Mr. Obama would find he is nothing more than a lame duck for his remaining two years on Pennsylvania Ave.
So America, what do you want? A return to fiscal sanity and the return to an economic system based on Capitalism, or possibly six more years of Obama’s Socialist Paradise?
But it all comes down to one thing, who will show up on Tuesday? Will You?


gatordude said...

Tonight will be very intersting to see what happens. Maybe Obama will have to ride in the back of the bus instead of the Repulications !

gatordude said...

Thank you fellow Americans for getting out and voting.