Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Socialist Speak

When liberals get into power, they normally screw up everything; like health care, the economy, and tarnishing America’s standing in the world. So when your resume includes nothing but failure, what do you do? Well, the Democrats have a plan – it’s called Socialist Speak. These are catchy little phrases, concocted by the Democratic National Committee to be repeated over and over by the liberal talking heads every time they get in front of a microphone.
Here are some examples:

“Bush’s Recession” This is pretty recent, but was first introduced by VP Joe “The Gaffer” Biden. It’s an attempt to deflect attention away from the failure of the Democratic stimulus plan and make you think all of our country’s economic woes are totally the fault of President Bush.

“Anti-Immigration” This is the term the left uses to label anyone who supports securing the borders from the flood of ILLEGAL immigrants. This first was used by the President to describe the people who support Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s efforts to enforce the immigration laws since the Obama administration refuses to do their job.

“Racist Element” First used by the NAACP, it is an attempt to paint anyone who supports or is associated with the Tea Party movement as racist. It is an attempt to perpetuate the myth that white people don’t support President Obama’s policies solely because he is black – trying to downplay the fact that people don’t support his socialist policies which has nothing to do with the President’s race.

I’m sure there’s more “Socialist Speak” to come – as the Democrats can’t run on their unpopular policies in November, their only hope is to slander those that oppose them.

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