Monday, June 28, 2010

Medical Miracle - Walking Erect Without a Spine

On March 28, North Korea attacked South Korean frigate Cheonan and killed 46 South Korean sailors. Let me repeat, North Korea attacked South Korea, and killed South Koreans. No, let me try again. The hard line communists of North Korea, who have ignored every treaty they have ever signed, ignored all UN sanctions, resisted any attempt to keep them from building a nuclear bomb, attacked, without provocation, a South Korean military vessel, and killed 46 South Koreans.
I’m repeating what happened just in case some liberal is reading this – because your spineless leader doesn’t get it. In fact, his administration came out today and said the sinking of a South Korean warship blamed on North Korea was not terrorism, and not enough by itself to put Pyongyang back on a U.S. terror blacklist. They even went on to say the March sinking of the South Korean frigate Cheonan by a “reported” torpedo from a North Korean submarine was a "provocative action" and a violation of the truce that ended the Korean war. Really – ya think???? Boy, I hope a statement like that didn't piss off the North Koreans!

So, Mr. President, just how many South Koreans does Kim Jong Il have to kill before he is considered a terrorist? 48? 50? 100? Or does he have to march the 50 odd miles south below the DMZ and kill everyone in Seoul?
Even old “W” could recognize the bad guys in the world. But it seems our current President is convinced that our enemies would lay down their arms if we just reached out with love while playing John Lennon’s “Give Peace a Chance”. What a dream world liberals live in.
So as long as the world’s bad guys feel they can get away with anything, they will only be more emboldened and America will pay dearly. We need a President with a spine. Not one that is so focused on a Socialist agenda that he lets everything else go to hell in a hand basket.

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