Monday, August 8, 2011

Blame and Excuses

This is what President Obama gives us in a time of economic crisis. Blame anything and anyone other then the administration -- and then make excuses for HIS failures of leadership. This administration of failure sent out their comrades to the news programs this weekend hawking a line that this was the “Tea Party Downgrade” in reference to the S&P downgrade of America’s credit rating. The truth is that the Tea Party movement has demonstrated much more leadership than the President by forcing the “spend, spend, spend” liberals to cut up their credit cards. President Obama and his comrades are like a bad relative that keeps asking you to financially bail them out, and then you see them take the money you give them and party it away - only to be back at your doorstep for more money. As least the Tea Party sent the message that the days of the blank check for Liberal programs is over.
Bottom line, Barack Obama said it himself in February 2009, “If this economy hasn’t recovered in three years, I’m a one-termer”. Well, Barack, you have six months to get it right. But based on your performance over the last two and a half years, it doesn’t look like you have a clue.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

Today Old NCO is a great day for Americans. The folks in Wisconsin did the right thing and left the power in the hands of the conservatives.
Obummer blame's everyone else but himself. He himself said if he can't fix it in 3 years he will be a one termer, guess what.
The CEO or coach of any group is the leader and win or lose they get to bask in the glory or just whine.