Thursday, October 9, 2008

There IS a Difference

Some say there isn’t a difference between Obama and McCain – both just politicians wanting to be President. However, if you listened, not just watched, the debate Tuesday night, then you heard the most important difference between the two. The question from Mr. Brokaw was “Do you believe health care is a “Right” or a “Responsibility”? The two candidates clearly demonstrated the core beliefs that differentiate a liberal from a conservative.
John McCain said health insurance is a “Responsibility”. This is in line with conservative belief that all Americans are responsible for their own actions – yep, that means you – you are responsible for your own actions. The belief is that in a capitalistic society, you work for what you have. Hard work should equate to earned rewards, like a good standard of living, which would include the fact you can afford health insurance. Now, I’m not saying health insurance is cheap by any means, but there are forces that can drive down costs, like a free market place with competition for the health care dollar -- again, its call capitalism.
Now the junior senator from Illinois said health care was a “Right” in a rich country like America (this is right after he stated how far in debt we are...). Now, unless someone recently re-wrote the bill of rights, I don’t remember seeing anything about health care. I remember the right to bear arms thing, but health insurance?? But Barrack Obama’s answer demonstrates the liberal socialist belief that government owes you everything – that solely on the fact that you are an American, you have the right to government provided health care. Sorry, but I was brought up to believe that you work for what you have, and you don’t sit and wait for Uncle Sam to send you a check.
Government run health care – like government has done such a great job managing our social security dollars. Call it want ever you want, Hillary-Care, Socialized medicine,,,,, Sorry Barrack, I’m not buying.. As you said yourself, “you can put lipstick on a pig…….”

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