Friday, October 3, 2008

Say What? Joe’s Gonna Pay My Mortgage?

Much has been said, written, and reported about last night’s debate between Governor Sarah Palin and Senator Joe Biden – with most of the attention directed at what Gov. Palin said. So much so that I could not believe anyone didn’t pick up on the statement from Sen. Biden when he said an Obama/Biden administration would not only help people get the interest rates lowered on their home mortgages, but actually help PAY THE PRINCIPLE on their mortgage! Well, shucky darn, as the good Governor of Alaska might say, when can I mail my mortgage payment book to ya their Joe?
Biden’s statement is typical pandering for votes, and demonstrates the liberal belief that government is the answer to all problems. But the statement angered me – and it should anger all of us who have played by the rules, paid our mortgages on time, didn’t go on a spending spree with a bucket full of credit cards, and live within our means. We, the folks who still believe in what some feel is an antiquated belief that we should be responsible for our own actions, will be the ones that will have to pay for Biden’s handouts. Well, no thanks Senator.
Just say NO to JOE.

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