Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Welcome to the Socialist States of Obama!

“When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody” this was Barack Obama’s response to an Ohio plumber who questioned the junior senator about his plan to heavily tax those who make over $250,000 a year. The plumber raised the question many have been asking – why does Barack want to punish those who work hard and subsequently become financially successful? The answer – socialism.
Socialism is basically the redistribution of wealth. The government feels the wealth of their citizens is their money – and they feel they must take the money away from those who worked hard to be successful and give it to those who have not. Under a President Obama, is appears those who work hard will be punished, and those who don’t will be rewarded. That plumber from Ohio now knows not to be “too” successful, because if he expands his business, provides more jobs, and perhaps offer health care to his employees, President Obama will punish him by taxing him into oblivion.
It appears Lenin, Stalin, and Castro will have the last laugh.

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