Monday, February 9, 2009

Meet the New Deal, Same as the Old Deal

With much apology to The Who and their song “Won’t Get Fooled Again”, I sit here listening to the new President telling me how spending 800 plus billion of our tax dollars is going to get us out of this economic mess. I feel I must remind Mr. President that the last Democrat that tried a ‘New Deal’ didn’t save our economy from the great depression – in fact, it had little impact, if any. Both economists and historians will tell you WWII brought our country out of the great depression, not government intervention.
But, it appears we are headed towards a bigger national debt -- and now I understand what “Change” this Democrat brought to the White House. President Obama is definitely NOT a “Tax and Spend” Democrat. He’s a “Spend and Tax” Democrat. You would be a ‘Fool’ to think that someone won’t have to pay for this bacon which they call an Economic Stimulus Bill. That 'someone' will be you and me. Your taxes will be going up – and it’s just a matter of time before we start hearing about how a ‘modest’ tax increase is needed.

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