Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Liberal Agenda Begins....

When the Nazis took power in Germany, and the Bolsheviks took power in Russia, the first item on their agenda was to take control of the press and ensure it was a media filled with their propaganda. Now, the power drunk liberals in Congress are trying to do the same in America. Two democrats, Senator Ernest Hollings, of South Carolina and Representative Bill Hefner, of North Carolina are attempting to outlaw freedom of speech in America under the veil of a warped, obsolete piece of legislation called the Fairness in Broadcasting Act. This legislation was tried before, between 1949 and 1987. It required broadcasters to cover ‘controversial issues’ and to do so by offering balancing views – and while not requiring equal time to opposing views, it prevented broadcasters from presenting a single view day after day without offering opposing views. This rule was a condition for a broadcaster to hold a FCC license. In its time, the fairness issues made sense as most individuals only received a very limited number of TV and radio stations, and the FCC wanted controversial issues to be covered in a fair and balanced way. But even with its good intentions, it had an adverse effect -- media outlets just stopped covering controversial issues knowing they would have to commit air time to offer opposing views.
Then in 1984, while not overturning the legislation, the Supreme Court in Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo (418 U.S. 241), confirmed the adverse effect the fairness act had on broadcasting. This led to the FCC abandoning the act in 1987, stating the number of media outlets available to all Americans negated the need for such a Fairness Doctrine. Since that time, the number of ways in which Americans receive news and information virtually exploded -- which provides further validation that any Fairness Doctrine is obsolete in today’s technological world.

So why would these two Democrats want to resurrect such obsolete legislation? There can only be one answer – to silence any opposition to the leftist agenda of the newly elected President. Their goal is to re-create the effect the legislation had in the past – that broadcasters will stop airing any controversial programs. And since the FCC will now be under a Democratic President and Congress, the left will be determining what is controversial and want is not. You can rest assured that conservative talk radio will be high on their hit list, with the entire Fox News network a close second. The leftist want voices of Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, & Sean Hannity silenced or severely limited – and ideally force broadcasters to drop their affiliation with the Fox Network and move to one of the leftist biased networks of CNN, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, or ABC.

I wonder if the next item on the leftist agenda is to force all conseratives wear armbands so they can load us on trains to relocation camps?

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