Saturday, November 22, 2008

They Just Don't Get It....

OK – so this past week, the top corporate fat cat executives from the “Big Three” in Detroit, went before Congress, begging for loan guarantees so they could sustain business operations. It seems they are drowning in red ink since people stopped buying their gas guzzling SUVs or Pickups. Plus, as they have lost credibility with the majority of the American public that Detroit can build a quality vehicle, no one wants their cars either. It seems GM, Ford, and Chrysler are suffering financially due to poor planning and bad management. Times are tough and they were pleading with Congress to help them out of their hard times. I find it odd that Toyota, Nissan, and Honda, who all now build cars in the United States just like the big three, aren’t asking Congress for a handout.

Thing is, these fat cats from the big three, who are responsible for the plight of their companies, all flew to Washington separately in their company provided executive jets. Demonstrating that giving these guys money to help them get well would be the same as giving an addict more heroin and expecting them to kick the habit.

The fat cats just don’t get it.

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