Friday, January 21, 2011

First, my apologies to my loyal reader(s) who follow my blog – I’ve been absent from the cloud for far too long. I’ll do better. But rather than just jumping back in my usual ranting a raving about our liberal brethren, I wanted to relay a point of greater importance. This struck me this morning while waiting in line at the Starbucks. In line in front of me was a member of the US Navy – dressed in BDUs (that’s a battle dress uniform for those of you in the civilian world – you know, those green & brown uniforms they wear in Call to Duty or whatever video war game you indulge yourself.) On the drive to Starbucks, several ideas were rattling around in my head for my blog – the usual stuff, like why liberal ideas are counterproductive to economic growth, Obamacare SHOULD be repealed, etc, etc. But seeing this Navy person made me think of something more important – and that would be their service allows me to even have a blog. I’m sure I don’t have a counterpart in a downtown Teheran coffee shop this morning writing that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is an idiot and that his policies are ruining Iraq. So when we were both waiting at the counter for our morning cup of Joe, I thanked them for their service. I think they were a little surprised at my comment, but they should not have been – this should happen all the time. I’m not saying all of us don’t appreciate those that decide to serve our country by putting on the uniform (well, except for those extreme liberal nut cases that hate the military).
So the next time you see one of our nation’s finest, thank them for their service to our country. They already know that, but it’s nice to tell them. They gave you the freedom and protect an economic system in which you can earn enough to buy that $5 cup of coffee – and you may even want to buy them theirs.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

You are correct in that we take a lot for granted in our lives. Glad to see you back.