Sunday, May 1, 2011

Higher Ceilings...

This has nothing to do with Joe Cocker, other than that's what was playing on my iPad when I was staring at the ceiling of my living room. As Joe screamed "my baby, she wrote me a letter", I was thinking how high the ceiling was. It's pretty high. Then I thought if the ceiling represented just how much debt I owed, then the higher the ceiling, the higher the debt. Well, I could just go out and get more debt so I could spend more, after all, I can always find some idiot that wants to lend me more money -- or I could lower my debt by spending less. hmmmm,,, I wonder which one makes sense - well, of course, the correct answer is to stop spending so much damn money and lower my debt.
But, that's not what our President thinks - he says up the debt ceiling. Evidently, he must like high ceilings in his home. And Joe Cocker sings on....

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