Does Socialism work? Well, look at this picture of the happy people in Greece, where Socialism has been providing their people with everything - like early retirement at age 55, free medical care, and where over one third of the population works for the government. All of that sounds great, until the inevitable happens - which is that the government starts running massive debts and eventually runs out of money - forcing the government to make very undesirable cuts in government benefits while asking for handouts from other countries. And this just pisses people off - the people in the socialist country who have their free ride taken away and the people from the country providing bail out money as they see their taxes going to a bad investment.
Sound all too familiar? Look at the debate in Congress over raising the debt ceiling. Look how much the Obama administration has run up the national debt. Look how much we owe the Chinese. And now our government is forced to cut benefits, which we all will pay for either by picking up expenses formally paid for by the government or through higher taxes - or both.
No matter what happens, it will be painful for the average income American, who will be effected the most. Socialism fails - every time. So take a good look at Greece, because if we have four more years of Obama, Greece is our future.