Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Socialism Fails - Every Time

Does Socialism work? Well, look at this picture of the happy people in Greece, where Socialism has been providing their people with everything - like early retirement at age 55, free medical care, and where over one third of the population works for the government. All of that sounds great, until the inevitable happens - which is that the government starts running massive debts and eventually runs out of money - forcing the government to make very undesirable cuts in government benefits while asking for handouts from other countries. And this just pisses people off - the people in the socialist country who have their free ride taken away and the people from the country providing bail out money as they see their taxes going to a bad investment.
Sound all too familiar? Look at the debate in Congress over raising the debt ceiling. Look how much the Obama administration has run up the national debt. Look how much we owe the Chinese. And now our government is forced to cut benefits, which we all will pay for either by picking up expenses formally paid for by the government or through higher taxes - or both.
No matter what happens, it will be painful for the average income American, who will be effected the most. Socialism fails - every time. So take a good look at Greece, because if we have four more years of Obama, Greece is our future.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Do We Ever Learn?

That’s the late Representative Charlie Wilson of Texas. For some who do not know his story, in the 1980s, Representative Wilson was instrumental in procuring funding to buy weapons for rebels in Afghanistan who were fighting a war against the Soviet Union who had invaded their country. Eventually, the Soviet Union threw in the towel in Afghanistan and retreated back to the USSR. The United States then pulled away from further funding for Afghanistan - over Representative Wilson’s objections. Seems old Charlie thought we ought to build some schools and roads since the country was in rubble - but it just wasn’t politically advantageous to support Afghanistan anymore.
So here we are, almost 30 years later, pulling US troops out of Afghanistan. But why, have we completed our mission? Are we 100% sure the Afghan security forces can stand on their own? Or, is it just not politically advantageous to support Afghanistan,,,, again.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Run, Rick, Run??

Gov. Rick Perry of Texas may run for President. He certainly sounds like a candidate, especially his recent speech in New Orleans this past Saturday. His comments were “Reagan-esk” - which has set him apart from all of the other Republican Presidential hopefuls. He indicated, like Reagan, that the Federal Government is not the answer, it’s the problem. He told his fellow Republicans to stop pandering to the left, because no matter what Republicans do, Liberals will never like them. And finally, he is a strong advocate of states rights - in that perhaps, yes perhaps, the Obama administration doesn’t know what’s better for us than we do.
Which brings about the liberals only criticism of Perry so far - in that he suggested that Texas should secede from the Union to escape the tentacles of Washington DC. The liberals said that statement was stupid. That only tells me the limousine liberals in Washington know very little about Texas or Texans. After all, they obviously forgot that Texas was an independent country before it joined the union - Texas decided to join the Union - Texas can certainly state if it would like a divorce. But, how could the liberal elite understand Texas? After all, Texas has more job growth than any other state, lower unemployment that most, and is one of the fastest growing states in the Union.
So, Run Rick Run. Liberals already hate you -- so you must be doing something right.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Same Old Double Standard

Anthony Weiner. Representative from New York. Liberal. Democrat. One of the privileged few. Still in Congress. Even though the evidence about his alleged sex photos to women via his Twitter account are pretty convincing that the good Congressman has been doing something a little less than honorable.
So just why is he still in Congress? Why has this dragged on so long? Simple answer is above - he’s a liberal Democrat. Weiner’s situation has gotten so much bad press that even Nancy Pelosi has stated it’s time for him to go. But he is still in office. Supposedly he is now seeking “treatment”? For what, a sex addiction? Twitter-idis?
I hear the liberal pundits on CNN stating what ‘restraint’ the Republicans were demonstrating while everyone had a chance to get all of the facts on Representative Weiner. The real reason is that Republicans were just letting Weiner self destruct - which exposes the Liberal Democrats for the hypocrites they are - because if Anthony Weiner had been a Republican, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of their liberal comrades would have on Weiner like Vampires on the hemophiliac.