Thursday, June 23, 2011

Do We Ever Learn?

That’s the late Representative Charlie Wilson of Texas. For some who do not know his story, in the 1980s, Representative Wilson was instrumental in procuring funding to buy weapons for rebels in Afghanistan who were fighting a war against the Soviet Union who had invaded their country. Eventually, the Soviet Union threw in the towel in Afghanistan and retreated back to the USSR. The United States then pulled away from further funding for Afghanistan - over Representative Wilson’s objections. Seems old Charlie thought we ought to build some schools and roads since the country was in rubble - but it just wasn’t politically advantageous to support Afghanistan anymore.
So here we are, almost 30 years later, pulling US troops out of Afghanistan. But why, have we completed our mission? Are we 100% sure the Afghan security forces can stand on their own? Or, is it just not politically advantageous to support Afghanistan,,,, again.

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