Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Silent Majority

Not many of us remember President Lyndon Johnson’s “Silent Majority” of the 1960s. His administration was battling a growing movement against the war in Vietnam. Johnson’s feeling was there was a vocal minority, loudly proclaiming their position against the war, but there was also a silent majority of Americans that supported his agenda in Southeast Asia. I only say this as a “silent majority” was awakened in America today. It all started when the CEO of Chick-fil-A exercised his first amendment rights and expressed an opinion against gay marriage. Seems the left didn’t care for what he had to say. Immediately the leftist propaganda machine when into action attacking CEO Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A. Obama disciple Rahn Emanual, now Mayor of Chicago, and the Major of Boston proclaimed their desire stop new construction of Chick-fil-A restaurants in their cities. It seems they felt there would be no reaction from the average American so they could freely float their intolerance to those opposing their leftist views. That didn’t happen. Governor Mike Huckabee proclaimed today, August 1st, as Chick-fil-A appreciation day. Chick-fil-A’s across the country were swamped with customers showing their support of CEO Cathy’s remarks. The old NCO waited in line 45 minutes for a chick strips salad – and was happy to do so. What I noticed was the silent majority patiently waiting in line for a chicken whatever. Just to make a statement. But let me point out the issue here is not the CEO of Chick-fil-A’s opinion on gay marriage, but the issue is that he is ALLOWED to have an opinion. Your personal opinion on gay marriage is just that, your opinion – which I believe under the first amendment, you are entitled to – regardless if you are for or against gay marriage. The Obama faithful are of the position if you don’t preach and support their radical leftist agenda, then you don’t have the right to an opinion. Bottom line is thousands of Americans quietly showed their support today against those that want to strip us of our freedom of speech by eating some chicken. I hope you did to. And by the way, what I had for dinner was the most patriotic salad I ever ate.

1 comment:

Alan Barrington said...

Four years ago, another very prominent leader exercised his 1st amendment right and declared his support for traditional marriage. You can see it here - No protests or threats from the left resulted from this statement. Has right and wrong evolved in just 4 years, or can it be that liberals are a hypocritical pack of lemmings that can't think for themselves? Hmmm... I think I just answered my own question.