Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Finally - a little reality sets in....

Jay Carney needs to tell his boss that 1977 is calling and it wants its failed economic policies back. The reason I say this is several major news outlets are reporting the President’s approval ratings are down. Bloomberg reports his approval rating has fallen to 48%, down from a high of 54%. That means over half of America either doesn’t think he is doing a good job or has just given up caring. The headline in the Washington Post says “Obama’s approval drops as Americans take a dimmer view of his economic policies”. The Post reports the President’s one time 18 point advantage over Congressional Republicans on the question of who the public trusted most to deal with the economy has tilted towards the Republicans, with the President only having a 4 percentage point lead today. Just perhaps, America is finally waking up to the fact that there isn’t a free ride -- that we can’t increase taxes and borrow more money to achieve prosperity. Perhaps Americans are beginning to understand that some really hard choices are ahead for all of us, rich, middle class, and poor – and they are looking for someone who has the courage and leadership skills to guide our country out of our economic gloom (or should I say ‘malaise’). And now some, not all, are beginning to see that Barack Obama isn’t the guy for the job. This is the reason the President has recently laid down his golf clubs and picked up an olive branch – trying to appear like he’s willing to work with Republicans on a budget. What hogwash. Let’s only hope reality continues to set in – and more and more people see our President for what he is – a tax and spend liberal. November 2014 will be here next year and America has the opportunity to correct its mistake of 2012 by giving the country a Republican House and Senate.


Gator Dud said...

His primary goal is to force all people to have the same or close to. Heath care will just be a pass thru amount to all consumers be it at your local food place or where ever.
When we have more than 50% of the people believing you can get all this for free or at the expense of the working person we are so screwed.

The Old NCO said...

But he won't hurt the middle class. Right. Check this out. Chief of Staff of AF just ended tuition assistance for active military members and told DoD civilians to expect a 20% cut in thier workweek/paychecks. Obamas lap dog Hagel has been busy.