Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Is The Liberal Party Over?

Since the election of Barack Obama in 2008, liberals have had carte blanche to say anything, no matter how ridiculous or offensive, to defend and protect their chosen one – and with little backlash or criticism from main street America. But those days just might be coming to an end. Enter ultra-liberal Lizz Winstead, writer and co-creator of “The Daily Show”. Ms. Winstead posted on her Twitter account the Tornados that hit Oklahoma yesterday were clearly targeting Conservatives. More precisely, “This tornado is in Oklahoma, so clearly it has been ordered to only target conservatives”. And continued her line of insensitive liberal humor with “How long has Obama known about this Tornado?” and “Tornado just bumped me from MSNBC” ‘signed Benghazi’. Like any Obama loyalist, I’m sure she believed no one would object to her sick humor which was obviously written to make light of those asking pointed questions about the IRS scandal encompassing the White House. But this time was different. Not long after the post hit her Twitter account, the backlash started rolling in – and it kept rolling in. I guess Ms. Winstead realized she just may have gone too far and started apologizing. It got so bad, conservative talk show personality Glenn Beck came to her rescue and tweeted asking folks to cut Ms. Winstead some slack – that she realized what she did was in bad taste. --- But The Old NCO sees a turning of the tide with this incident. Perhaps the Obama coronation party is over and main street America has had enough of out of control liberal propaganda. And, I hope Ms. Winstead learned something from this incident. But, you can’t really blame her for her actions, after all, she was just being, well, a Liberal.

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