Thursday, October 3, 2013

White House Incident Today

If you have not heard, a woman tried to ram through one of the White House gates today. I wanted to put up a quick post to predict Harry Reid and/or Nancy Pelosi blaming this attack on Tea Party radicals in an effort to further blame Republicans for the Government Shutdown.
UPDATE: Just hours after the car chase at the White House ended in the death of the person driving the Infiniti coupe, Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, Democrat from Texas, said the incident is linked to the government shutdown. She stated the House (meaning the Republicans) should pass a clean Continuing Resolution (CR) without any attachments and "God knows, the tragedy of this poor person who came on the Hill in a black car. No one knows what drives this person to do this… But what I would say to you is let's get our wheels back on” The Old NCO fails to see the connection, but most of what Liberals say doesn't usually make sense anyway.

1 comment:

Gator Dud said...

Surprised they didn't also blame it on the sequester.