Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Timing is Everything

Without doubt taking instruction from the White House, the steaming sack of California Crap, Diane Feinstein, released a Democrat Intelligence (there’s a contradiction in terms) Report about the horrific atrocities committed by the evil Dick Cheney and George W. Bush after the 9-11 attacks against terrorists held at GITMO to obtain information that has helped keep American safe. What no one really noticed is that there isn’t one Democrat that really gives a shit about what was done to detainees at GITMO. This heavily biased report was released yesterday for the sole purpose to over shadow Doctor Johnathan “Goober” Gruber’s testimony before a House Oversight Committee who grilled the idiot architect of Obamacare on his admitted tactics of non-transparency and the stupidity of the American public to get the failed socialist health care plan passed into law. Sadly, the Democrat’s strategy worked. All major news networks’ lead story yesterday was about the Democrat Intelligence Report on torturing terrorist instead of the House Oversight Committees grilling of Gruber - sparing the White House further embarrassment. As usual, Democrats continue to follow the Obama Doctrine of Politics First, America Second -- no matter what the cost. After all, what are a few more dead Americans? To use the words of Hillary Clinton, “what difference does it make?”

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