Monday, July 4, 2016

They Make Money The Old Fashioned Way - They EARN It!

That’s a picture of John Houseman. He was an actor best known for his role in the movie and subsequent TV Show, The Paper Chase as the crotchety old, yet wise, Professor Kingsfield for those of you old enough to remember. But he was also known for his commercial for the investment firm of Smith Barney, where the commercial always ended with “They make money the old fashioned way, They EARN It. That got me to thinking about Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan. Perhaps we could take a cue from Mr. Houseman’s commercial, and change Donald Trump’s campaign slogan to “It’s Time to Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get to Work” -- because that is the ONLY thing that is going to save America – Hard Work. That’s not to say that we don’t have hard working Americans getting up and going out to work each day. But when we are told by the Bernie Saunders and Hillary Clinton’s of the world that our economic suffering is some rich fat cat’s fault and the government needs to confiscate and redistribute their wealth by taxing the rich people – then why work? “When you spread the wealth around it benefits everybody” as our current President has said only works when there IS wealth to spread around. Someone has to roll up their sleeves and EARN the wealth. There has to be an incentive to go out, work hard, and with the knowledge that you have a government that lets you keep the majority of what you earn. Short of that, we can all live in poverty equally.

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