Monday, February 7, 2011

The New Obama

Barack Obama - A friend to business. Sure. That’s what he’d like you to believe. Today, our President gave a speech to the US Chamber of Commerce telling they how much he is a supporter of small business, how he is taking actions to assist US business to succeed. What a crock. President Obama with his socialist policies has just about as much credibility professing his love of US business as Adolf Hitler would have speaking at the American Jewish Conference. Now before all of you liberal nut jobs accuse me, I’m not comparing Barack Obama to Adolph Hitler. I’m just pointing out the possibility that very few folks at the US Chamber of Commerce actually believe the President is their ally. I wonder why. Well, lets start with his statement to ease the burdensome regulations on small business by conducting a government review of those needless regulations. OK, that’s great. What he didn’t say is that on the heals of what will be a worthless review comes tons of new regulations tied to the President’s Health Care Bill, the Crap and Trade Bill, and the Dodd-Frank Bill. So when the members of the Chamber listened to the President today, no wonder they were a little skeptical.

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