Monday, April 4, 2011

Today's Word is "Extreme"

The latest direction to all liberals from their DNC leadership is to demonize the Tea Party Movement. You know, that bunch of average Americans who had the audacity to tell the political elite in both major political parties that they were as mad as hell and were not gonna take it anymore. How dare they – to expect their elected representatives to actually do their jobs.
Well, Harry Reid and Democrats will have none of that. The Tea Party Movement is a direct threat to the apathy needed by the elitist left to cram more Socialism down our throats. So, to demonize the Tea Party, the order has gone out to all leftist to use the word “Extreme” in every sentence they speak about the Tea Party. You’ll hear liberal catch phrases like “The Tea Party Extremist” – “These Extreme policies of the Tea Party” and on and on. Just listen to the news when one of these liberal elitist is spewing their propaganda – I guarantee if they say “Tea Party” that the word “Extreme” is soon to follow. They are hoping that if they say the two together enough, then people will start to believe it. That’s what they do – the whole DNC battle plan is to win by making the other guy appear worse. Republicans get blamed for doing this too, but after Crap and Trade, Obama-care, TARP, and other Socialist programs, it’s hard for Republicans not to look better than Democrats.

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