Thursday, April 7, 2011

Teabagger - Defined.

The left must really be frightened of Americans who are part of the Tea Party Movement. Bill Maher is one of them. His continued use of the term “Teabaggers” to describe those of the Tea Party is proof. For those of you who may not understand Mr. Maher’s terminology, you need to look it up. Here’s a hint, it is slang for what some would describe as an un-natural sexual act. You can check out Urban if you need a more specific definition.
But back to Mr. Maher – He, like other liberals, remembers quite well the very bad spanking those very Tea Party people they try to denigrate handed them in the recent midterm elections. They cannot afford to allow the Tea Party any power in 2012, or the socialist faithful's “chosen one” won’t see a second term.
So when you hear Mr. Bill Maher use the term Teabaggers in reference to the Tea Party, know that it is not for comic effect, nor is he just fond of the term – it’s a well-placed term liberals would like to implant in your brain to diminish the Tea Party – it’s part of their strategy plan for the 2012 election.
And it is further proof that the best liberals can offer America is tearing down their competition rather than offering anything constructive to the country.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

All we can do is keeping pushing the truth and the voters will decide. Their only option is to create noise, they have no answers for anything.