Monday, April 4, 2011

Billion Dollar Baby

Barack Obama is running for re-election. What a shock. And now he has made the claim that he will raise one billion dollars for his campaign. One billion dollars. I wonder, if he can do such a good job raising that amount of money for a political campaign, how about raising a little money to pay off the country's trillions of dollars of unsustainable debt he has run up during his presidency?


gatordude said...

If Obama spent as much time on doing something as he does politicing he might get something done. Can't wait to see the spin on him not voting for the debt limit when he was a senator and now he says they must raise the debt limit or the sky will fall. I say "Let it fall".

The Old NCO said...

I could not agree more!

Anonymous said...

Oh now come on "W" ran up the debt 27% more points in his two terms. A total of four trillion three hundred sixty billion dollars.

So Republican or Democrat this is the age of spending America into the poor house. And there isn't a politician that truly give a rats ass.