Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Harry The Hypocrite

Well, here the Old NCO sits in one of the newest monuments to Capitalism, the Aria hotel/casino in Las Vegas. And when I say monument to Capitalism, I mean that as a compliment. This place is phenominal -- full of affulent, and some not so much, people shopping and gambling, and most importantly, deciding where THEY want to spend THEIR money THEY earned. Many people will save for months to come to Vegas for one week of unbridled spending on fun! But, that got me to thinking, what if Las Vegas, the town that drives the economy of Senator Harry Reid's beloved Nevada, lived by the ecomonic system he and his President cherish and worship, the "Spread the wealth around" system of Socialism/Communism? Well, to implement Harry & Barack's system of choice, all workers would share in the profits equally. All hotel/casinos would become "collectives", where the barista at Starbucks would make the same as the CEO of Caesar's Palace. The tax on anyone visiting Vegas would be 70 to 80 percent, as anyone who could come to Vegas would be considered part of the "Evil Rich". It's not hard to imagine that in one year, Las Vegas would be a ghost town and the desert would reclaim the real estate. Vegas would look like it has been depicted in many post apocolyptic movies, with all the hotels crumbling and covered in sand. This is what happens when you take away ecomonic incentives from people -- if every one is guarenteed an equal slice of the pie, then why work? Problem is, after a little while, there's no pie left, and we all live in poverty, but hey, at least Harry and Barack can say we all have the same!

1 comment:

Gator Dud said...

Enjoy your time in Vegas old NCO and leave some money for me. I'll be out there in a few weeks myself.