Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Zero Credibility

Mr. President, can you hear that? That’s the rest of the world snickering – snickering at you. And due to the fact you hold the office of the President of the United States, that means the world is laughing at all of us. Like Vladimir Putin of Russia – who thumbs his nose at America when our President states “he should not have to call anyone”, in regards to Russia returning Edward Snowden, the former contractor at the NSA who blew the whistle on the government’s spying on Americans. Like Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria, who continues to slaughter his people, laughing off President Obama’s “Red Line” empty threats. Proof was available months ago that Assad used gas on his citizens, but the Obama administration stated they needed more facts. That sounds a lot like; don’t cross this line, (and then they do), so we say then this line, then this line, then this line – while Syrians continue to die. America has no credibility in the world anymore. We are quickly becoming a second rate power due to our President, who started out the Socialist Messiah, and is now nothing more than Bozo the Clown. Unfortunately, all Americans will suffer because of it.

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