Thursday, May 14, 2015

Liberal Liers

Whenever there is some horrific tragedy, you can count on the looney left to find a way to blame Republicans no matter how false their claims. Liberals subscribe to the theory that if you repeat a lie enough times, their brainless supporters will begin to parrot their lies as the truth. Enter Amtrak Northeast Regional Train No. 188, headed to New York from Washington yesterday carrying 238 passengers. Train 188 derails near Philadelphia, killing seven and injuring over 200 – a tragedy for sure. Reports are the train was travelling over 100 MPH going into a turn where maximum speed was 50 MPH. However, that didn’t stop the liberal liars. Their propaganda started from the Commie from California, Nancy Pelosi, who stated the Amtrak wreck was a result of Republicans not supporting additional funding for Amtrak. We all know the Democrats answer to everything – spend more money on it, But, last I remember, the United States of America is 18 Trillion dollars in debt, but Liberal Democrats capacity to ignore financial reality knows no bounds as long as it advances their Liberal agenda.

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