Sunday, May 17, 2015

On the 7th of May, there was an election in the United Kingdom to elect members to the 56th Parliament. The results would determine if Liberals would take over power from the Conservatives in the U.K. In America, the liberal press was watching. All of the polls indicated that the Liberal party would unset David Cameron’s conservative majority in the House of Commons. I’m sure all of the good socialist at CNN were drooling over the possibility of the Conservatives losing power and the rise of Liberal Democrats as the ruling party as a precursor to our own Presidential election next year. There were high hopes for Hillary and the Democratic party recouping the losses from their failed policies in America. But then the results started coming in. And the Conservatives were victorious. I’m sure you could have heard a pin drop in the liberal press rooms all across America. In fact, you heard very little from America’s liberal press about the election in the U.K. after the Conservatives won.

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