Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Adult in the Room?

Newt Gingrich seems to be the flavor of the month of Republican candidates for president having just picked up the endorsement of the highly-influential Manchester Union Leader Newspaper in New Hampshire – an endorsement right in Mitt Romney’s home turf.
The continuing search by republican voters looking for the ‘anti-Romney’ continues. So just what is the rap against Romney? First, he could be the poster child for the ‘evil rich people’ the Obama administration has been demonizing for months in their continuing efforts to fan the flames of class warfare. Second, Romney’s unlike-ability factor – he just doesn’t seem like the type of guy you’d want as your bud – you know, someone you’d have over to watch a football game or meet up for a beer after work. Romney, rather true or not, displays an air of arrogance. He’s probably is a great guy, a wonderful family man – but that doesn’t matter if the voters don’t ‘like’ you. Remember, like ability is what got Obama in the White House, he exuded a rock star persona and turned the 2008 campaign into a season of American Idol.
So is Gingrich just the flavor of the month, or is his rise in the polls the result of the voters searching for consistency of position and someone who demonstrates leadership? We have seen Bachman, Perry, and Cain ride high only to crash and burn in the polls. Will Gingrich be the same?
The Old NCO’s take is maybe not. His rise in popularity among republican voters has been slow and steady. His performance at the debates has been one of solid, consistent, positions on the issues. But one thing that has separated Gingrich from the others is his willingness to take on the moderators – telling them to get serious about running the debate and stop trying to find, in his words, the “Got Ya’s” – while the other candidates bicker with each other about what illegals mowed who’s lawn or mandating innocent young girls to be vaccinated with an alleged deadly injection.
Gingrich’s continuing criticism of the mainly liberal debate moderators, although not a defining moment, is reminiscent of Ronald Reagan’s now famous “I paid for this microphone” moment during a 1980 debate in New Hampshire - where Reagan took on the moderator. For many, this was when Reagan won the nomination. I see this type of determined leadership in Newt. And if he wants to win, he needs to show more of it.
So is Gingrich the ‘adult in the room’? He might be. I’m not jumping on the Gingrich bandwagon just yet, but if he does go on to win the nomination, this will be a presidential race where the Republicans offer America the leadership it currently lacks and the Democrats will offer again, their rock star. It will be the baby boomers and senior citizens vs. the hordes of crazed youth wanting again, a ‘cool’ President.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thanks Steve..

Thank you Steve, I love my iPhone.
Rest in Peace.

I Have a Plan Too!!

The Jobs Bill, as the President calls it, is a fraud. It has no chance of passing Congress – in fact; it has no chance of ever being introduced into Congress. Like I said, it’s a fraud. President Obama’s henchmen determined that since the Republican candidates for President all had plans to save the country from the Obama Depression, then the President needed a plan too. So when you hear the President’s standard stump speech which includes a credo of “Pass this Bill”, just know it is a bunch of empty words. For one, how can Congress pass a bill when the President’s own leader of the Senate, Senator Harry Reid won’t even introduce the bill to Congress?
So why the fraud?? It is part of the Democratic Party’s strategy to help re-elect Barack Obama. When you have nothing but failure on your resume, the only way you get the job you want is to blame everyone else for your failures. That’s Obama’s only hope. How sad. So when you hear Obama talk about the evil rich people, those fat cats on Wall Street, or those evil oil companies with all of their tax loopholes and corporate jets, know that you are being played. Yes, being played by a slick Chicago politician. Oh ya, and I forgot, Obama will still be blaming George W. Bush too. Hey Democrats – that’s just pathetic.

Monday, September 19, 2011

It’s not a Tax, it’s just a Fee – Get it?

President Obama unveiled his tax plan today and presented it as the only solution to get our country’s spiraling debt under control. And while he touts this plan as ‘fairness’ in that he is going to finally get those evil rich people – there is some fine print in his tax plan that makes his claim of fairness laughable. While Obama claims to not raise taxes on ‘ordinary Americans’, here’s some ‘fees’ he dreamed up to collect the trillions he needs to support more wasteful liberal spending.
So who did Obama target? Here’s a rundown…

Military Retirees -- Any retiree that ‘earned’ military retirement and health care by volunteering to lay their down their lives for their country will now have to pay $200 upon turning 65 to continue to receive Tricare (the military healthcare plan). Plus, there are fees to be charged for any non-generic drugs prescribed to military retirees. So if you don’t pay Obama, he will take away your healthcare. As most liberals hate the military anyway, this is a big winner with Obama’s radical left. Result: More Vets denied health care – something the government once said would be ‘free for life’ if you volunteered.

Frequent Flyers -- Obama plans to double the Federal Security Fees on airline tickets – granted, that is only from $5 to $10 a ticket, but by 2017, he wants it to go to $15. For a family of four to fly – add $60 to the price. Maybe they’ll just stay home and skip the $15 TSA hand massage. Result: More empty seats on airliners.

Federal Employees – Obama plans to take another 1.5% bite out of your paychecks to supposedly to go help with federal pensions. Do you really think that’s where the money will end up? It will probably be raped just like the Social Security Fund. Result: No increase in the federal pension fund – just smaller paychecks for ALL federal workers (not just those at the upper end of the pay scale)

Mortgage Applicants – Yep, you too!! Obama wants to add a fee of $15 a month to your mortgage – that’s $5400 over a 30 year mortgage. Result: Those applying for mortgages on the bubble financially will no longer qualify for a mortgage – more house setting empty needing qualified buyers.

Corporate Jet Flyers** – Obama will charge you $100 for EVERY flight. That’s right, Obama has made you evil rich corporate types with your fancy cars, and your big houses, and fancy clothes and corporate jets the face of EVIL in this country – but wait, he says this isn’t class warfare… (** but you need to be punished anyway) Result: I hope you weren’t looking for a job manufacturing or maintaining corporate jets.

Now I fail to see how any of these actions will help the economy. So, the Old NCO’s take here is this “Stimulus II” (sorry Nancy, I said a bad word) is the liberal’s one last chance to “Tax and Spend” as they have all but written off any reelection of Barack Obama in 2012.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Texas Justice

Rick Perry’s comment about Social Security being a “Ponzi” scheme at the recent debate at the Reagan Library is currently overshadowing what I believe was a defining moment for this Presidential election – and further defined Governor Rick Perry as the best hope for conservatives to retake the White House in 2012. The MSNBC sponsored debate featured Brian Williams as one of the two moderators. It’s no secret MSNBC a liberal news network, having been ‘in the tank’ for President Obama for years. Late in the debate, Mr. Williams tried to paint Governor Rick Perry as a “mad killer” over Texas’ death penalty laws – and it backfired on him, much to Mr. Williams’ amazement and surprise. For those of you who missed it, the exchange when like this:

Williams: “Governor Perry, a question about Texas. Your state has executed 234 death row inmates, more than any other governor in modern times. Have you . . .”
(APPLAUSE from the audience interrupts Brian William’s question)
“Have you struggled to sleep at night with the idea that any one of those might have been innocent?”
Perry: "No sir," pointed out that death-row convicts are entitled to extensive appeals, and crisply declared: "In the state of Texas, if you come into our state and you kill one of our children, you kill a police officer, you're involved with another crime and you kill one of our citizens, you will face the ultimate justice."
(More applause from the audience)
Williams: "What do you make of that dynamic that just happened here, the mention of the execution of 234 people drew applause?"
Perry: "I think Americans understand justice. I think Americans are clearly, in the vast majority of cases, supportive of capital punishment. When you have committed heinous crimes against our citizens--and it's a state-by-state issue, but in the state of Texas, our citizens have made that decision, and they made it clear, and they don't want you to commit those crimes against our citizens. And if you do, you will face the ultimate justice.”
This exchange, to me, was the ‘moment’ that defined Governor Perry from the rest of the Republican pack – and why he probably will end up with the nomination next summer.
So all I can say to Brian Williams for his attempt to embarrass Governor Perry is “Thanks”. And just in case you forgot what the Governor told you, Mr. Williams, he, and most all other Texans, sleep just fine at night.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I’m reminded of Danny DeVito’s character “Larry the Liquidator” from the movie Other People’s Money, where he spoke at a shareholder’s meeting of New England Wire and Cable. The president of the company, played by Gregory Peck, had just spoke to the shareholders and told them they needed to trust him and hang in there -- staying the course -- and the company’s economic woes would turn around and return to profitability. After Peck sets down, DeVito gets up, grabs the microphone and calmly says “Amen”. Going on to say he didn’t know the local customs, but where he came from, they always said “Amen” at the end of a prayer. “And that’s what you just heard” he states, “A prayer”.
I believe that is what the President delivered the special session of Congress and the nation last night - a prayer. A prayer for his failed economic policies - a prayer for his political future - and a prayer for his chances for re-election in 2012. So I for one, would like to put the finishing touches on the President’s speech and say “Amen”.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Let Me Check My Calendar, Mr. President

The news cycle is full of the events today where President Obama sent a letters to Congress, one to Senator Harry Reid in the Senate and one to House Speaker John Boehner, today inviting himself to speak to Congress at 8PM EST next Wednesday, September 7th – the exact same time as the Republican Presidential Debate which has been scheduled for months out in California. Violating centuries of protocol of how Presidents request special time to speak to Congress, the President decided to dictate, with his usual arrogance, the time and place were “his” Congress would hear him speak. Evidently, he has recently discovered that the country is in the middle of an economic crisis, unemployment is too high and worst of all -- his approval ratings have hit an all-time low. So the President decided he better get off of the golf course and do something about it. I’d get into what he is proposing, but that’s too much info and deserving of a separate blog article.
So back to the scheduling of the President’s meeting with Congress – supposedly, there was a ‘confidential’ conversation between Barack Obama and John Boehner about the President’s request to speak to the Congress before the letter was sent – although both sides now deny this ever happened. However, be not dismayed -- the Old NCO’s crack investigative team has obtained a recording of that conversation.
Ring, Ring, Ring….
Rep Boehner’s Office: “Good Morning – this is the office of the Speaker of the House of Representative, the House Majority Leader, the Honorable John A. Boehner, representing Ohio’s 8th District – may I help you?”
White House: “This is the White House calling – is the Majority Leader in?”
Rep Boehner’s Office: “Yes, may I tell him who is calling?”
White House: “It’s the White House – who do you think is calling?”
Rep Boehner’s Office: “One moment please – I’ll connect you to the Speaker” At this point, Rep Boehner’s assistant places his hand over the phone and yells, “Sir, the White House is on line two”
Rep Boehner says, “who from the White House” – the Assistant answers “It’s Him – I think he wants to complain about the Tea Party again”
Rep Boehner “Go ahead and put him through”
JB: Good Morning Mr. President
BO: Good Morning John. I need to speak with you about something important. It’s a matter of national urgency.
JB: Are you talking about the devastation of Hurricane Irene?
BO: No John, fortunately, the Hurricane didn’t interfere with my golf in Martha’s Vineyard – this is something really important.
JB: Yes Sir, I understand – so how can I help you?
BO: Well John, I’ve been informed that my last stimulus plan isn’t working out as planned – you see, unemployment is still over 9% and I promised…..
JB: Sir, I don’t mean to cut you off, but unemployment has been over 9% for months – and you know the stimulus bill you passed with your Democratic House and Democratic Senate hasn’t worked – and it’s even made things worse.
BO: Now, John, let’s not get into that.. What I really need is to come up there to the hill and talk to you guys.
JB: Sounds good Mr. President, when did you have in mind?
BO: Well John, I was thinking next Wednesday, the 7th – about 8PM in the evening.
JB: OK, Mr. President, let me check my calendar…..
JB: Mr. President, you must be aware that’s the same time as the Republican Presidential Debate that’s scheduled out in California?
BO: Really, I didn’t know. I’m really gonna yell at my staff about that – but about the time, is it OK?
JB: Mr. President – you can’t be telling me you didn’t know about the debate and this is just a coincidence?
BO: Well, John, let’s put the country first and politics second – we need to work together to get this country working again.
JB: No disrespect Sir, but please reserve your campaign speeches for your party faithful.
BO: So John, next Wednesday’s OK then?
JB: No Sir, I can’t say that it is – for one, all of the representatives will just be getting back in town – and second, I really can’t believe this isn’t just politics to grab airtime away from your possible presidential contenders.
BO: Now John, that’s not true. I believe this is a time of crisis, and I need to tell the American people what I plan to do.
JB: Respectfully, Sir, that ship sailed a while ago. Let me suggest something to you, how about the next night? That would be Thursday, the 8th – does that work for you?
BO: No Way – the Packers play the Saints in prime time – who would listen to me vs. watching NFL Football?
JB: My point Sir.
BO: Click.
JB: (with a grin on his face) Click.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Where's Waldo?

Just where is Waldo? Why is it no one can find Muammar Gaddafi? Is he still in the country? Did he get out before the rebels stormed his compound? I don't think so. It's reported good old Muammar is alive and well. He even has a new job. It's the most demanding job on earth - and he will be working every day from now on.

He's now the golf caddy for Barack Obama.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Yes, that’s where Representative Maxine Waters of the People’s Republic of California it telling all Tea Party people to go – “straight to hell”. At a community summit on Saturday she expressed the sentiment of liberals across the country who have been given free rein to attack anyone who doesn’t agree with their radical left wing agenda. And while her statement is totally inappropriate, I found it curious the air play it received on the CNN and Fox News morning news programs. If you do a search on, there’s no mention of the story – in fact, it got literally no airtime on “American Morning” from their left leaning reporters. On Fox, they played the video of Rep Waters making the statement and reported it for what it was – desperation and disappointment by liberals in their “appointed one” who resides in the White House (or wherever he is vacationing this week).
However, I found it amazing how CNN’s American Morning news team made every effort to keep on reporting on Governor Rick Perry’s comment about the Federal Reserve’s actions being treasonous. They referred Perry's comment at every opportuinty - even if it has nothing to do with the news story they were currently reporting. It was so blatant they wanted to keep this story alive in the news that I was expecting it to be part of the weather report – something like “Tropical Storm Irene’s path is so radical that Rick Perry would probably call her actions treasonous”. At least CNN’s American Morning program keeps providing me ideas for my blog -- I just hope I can hold my coffee down in the morning.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Hypocrite Campaign Tour

President Obama is out on the campaign trail - on YOUR dime. Yes, that's right, the brand new shiny busses, the hotels, the security, all travel costs - right out of the taxpayers pocket. I heard the President's stump speech today, and if that wasn't a campaign speech, then I'm not an old NCO. It's really ironic that the "Champion" of the American taxpayer doesn't think twice about using taxpayer dollars to advance his personal political career - even after boasting about having a billion dollars in his campaign war chest.

And the President's message?? Well, since BIOB (Blame It On Bush) isn't working anymore, he now blames his blatent failures of leadership on Congress - or as he says, "some in Congress" which specifically means Tea Party Republicans. How horrible for those Tea Party people to take away Obama's blank check to spend America into bankruptcy.

So what's Obama's answer to America's economic woes while he's out wasting taxpayer dollars? Well, he is announcing he will be proposing yet another "stimulus package" when Congress comes back from vacation. I guess the first one wasn't a big enough failure that he feels another one is necessary.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Blame and Excuses

This is what President Obama gives us in a time of economic crisis. Blame anything and anyone other then the administration -- and then make excuses for HIS failures of leadership. This administration of failure sent out their comrades to the news programs this weekend hawking a line that this was the “Tea Party Downgrade” in reference to the S&P downgrade of America’s credit rating. The truth is that the Tea Party movement has demonstrated much more leadership than the President by forcing the “spend, spend, spend” liberals to cut up their credit cards. President Obama and his comrades are like a bad relative that keeps asking you to financially bail them out, and then you see them take the money you give them and party it away - only to be back at your doorstep for more money. As least the Tea Party sent the message that the days of the blank check for Liberal programs is over.
Bottom line, Barack Obama said it himself in February 2009, “If this economy hasn’t recovered in three years, I’m a one-termer”. Well, Barack, you have six months to get it right. But based on your performance over the last two and a half years, it doesn’t look like you have a clue.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

War Declared!!

The ink wasn’t even dry on the Debt Reduction Bill on President Obama’s desk before the Democrats in the House of Representatives began their all-out verbal assault on conservatives. Faced with a real crisis with the debt ceiling, Democrats had to concede that maybe, just maybe, the Government can’t do everything for everybody. And it was a very bitter pill to swallow for these Socialist Democrats. Their lashing out today at Republicans proves this out..

Let’s begin with what Queen Pelosi said -- “Every time I have met with you, we started our session with how many days it has been since the Republicans have been in office. Well, today it is 210 and we haven't seen any legislation yet that has created jobs. In fact, we have seen legislation which has cost nearly 2 million jobs. More than 9,000 jobs a day would be lost if the Republicans' legislation were signed into law.”

I assume Nancy isn’t speaking of the two YEARS (that's 730 days Nancy) when she was in control of the house – and all that resulted in was massive debts and higher unemployment. It’s nice she is now setting on the sidelines, waiting on the Republicans – at least if she is just sitting on her liberal rump, she isn’t further damaging America. Also, it’s nice to hear her new battle cry ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’. That’s a refreshing change from her previous credo of ‘Spend, Spend, Spend, Spend’. And as for Republicans proposing legislation to create jobs, how about a bill to lower the national debt so interest rates stay low and inflation doesn’t get out of hand – Nancy, that would be the bill that you were just forced to support that the Republicans – specifically the Tea Party Republicans – got through Congress.

And then Denny Hoyer adds “Let me suggest at the outset that talking about jobs is talking about the debt. The only way we are going to successfully deal with debt is to create jobs and economic growth in America. We know that, but 8 months on the job, no jobs bill for the American people. That is the negligent record of the Republican majority.”

So what’s Denny’s answer – more redistribution of wealth? As the song goes, tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no rich no more. But, I agree that the only way out of debt is to grow jobs and have economic growth. But you don’t do that be demonizing those that create jobs and creating an uncertain tax atmosphere, massive amounts of government regulations, and crippling health care legislation – which is Denny’s idea of how to grow jobs.

The Democratic plan to fix America’s economy seems to be, find what will work – then do the opposite. Seems like they all want to be heros in a Bizzaro world where everything is backwards. Maybe we could just fly the House Democrats there in those ‘Corporate Jets’ they love to talk about.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Face of Nothing

The Democrats in the Senate. The party of no. The party of arrogance. The party of politics only. While House Speaker Boehner is working feverishly to pass a bill through the House of Representatives, Harry Reid and his comrades in the Senate are doing nothing. Even worse, they have informed Speaker Boehner that if he is successful in getting a bill through the House to save the country from financial disaster, Harry and his fellow Democrats will do everything to kill the House's bill. Even the President supports Harry Reid's obstructionism to progress on the debt limit crisis. And this is while the President, nor the Democrats in the Senate have offered anything - no plan, no proposals, just the old Democrat party line of Tax the Rich and Blame Bush. Democrats are masters of criticizing others, but total failures in finding real solutions.
That’s not leadership - that’s just politics on the part of the Democrats in Washington DC. It’s time for Harry and his comrades to step up and be Americans first and politicians second.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Poor Jane

Even though the political urinary competition over the debt limit dominates the current news cycle, a second page story about Jane Fonda deserves a little attention. I read that Jane Fonda is saying she has been “banished” from QVC, where she was scheduled to promote her latest book on aging, Prime Time. She said the reason for her banishment was due to her political past as an activist against the Vietnam War. QVC stated no reason for her cancellation and added that they frequently make programming changes that result in short notice to scheduled guests. Jane claims otherwise - she says QVC told her there were a lot of calls to QVC from viewers who threatened to boycott the show if she appeared. Well, QVC could have received lots of calls, but I doubt is was because of her speaking out against the Vietnam war - many people in the 60s and 70s spoke out against the war. But very few used their celebrity to travel to North Vietnam in 1972 and commit what some would call treasonous acts against the United States. I guess this privileged limousine liberal is now a little annoyed her past is haunting her and has caused her to suffer the inconvenience of losing the QVC gig. Sorry Jane. I imagine the numerous POWs that were being tortured in North Vietnam prison camps while you partied with the communists back in 72 should be upset too. Time heals all wounds and all transgressions are forgotten - Right? But maybe not. After all, there are people who have been convicted of treason against the United States and will spend their lives in prison. Jane Fonda returned to the United States from her 1972 North Vietnam trip to make millions in film, exercise videos, and celebrity appearances. So now there's no QVC for you Jane - life is so unfair.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Rich People have all of the Money!!!

Oh those evil rich people. They, and only they, with their corporate jets, their country club memberships and multi million dollar homes, are responsible for everything wrong in your life. They are responsible for the over 9 percent unemployment. They are responsible for the economic downturn. They are responsible for the crushing national debt. And yes, they are responsible for the high price of gasoline. If only we could only punish them by taxing them to death, all of our problems would be solved.
Don’t believe me? Well, just listen to the President of the United States - he’ll tell you it’s so. He’s prepared to blame anyone or anything other then his prosperity killing policies for our country’s woes. He has to attack rich people as the “blame Bush” excuse has gotten a little old. So let me translate Mr. Obama’s strategy. He’s using class warfare to advance is Socialist agenda - and it works like this. Address a bunch of middle class Americans who would like to be better off financially, and tell them their plot in life is not their fault - that evil rich people are keeping them from advancing up the economic ladder -- and they have only one hope, and it is he, the working man’s savior. So if you are willing to pray at the alter of the Obama-God, he will save you. Just support him, and he will give you the rich man’s money.
Well, I’m not an economic genius, but I know enough that an economic policy built on the redistribution of wealth is called Socialism. So we should all be prepared for the Democratic campaign this coming presidential election - as it will be built on a platform of class warfare. Instead of uniting America, the Democrats plan is to turn Americans against one another so we don’t notice the damage Obama and his cronies have done to our country.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Socialism Fails - Every Time

Does Socialism work? Well, look at this picture of the happy people in Greece, where Socialism has been providing their people with everything - like early retirement at age 55, free medical care, and where over one third of the population works for the government. All of that sounds great, until the inevitable happens - which is that the government starts running massive debts and eventually runs out of money - forcing the government to make very undesirable cuts in government benefits while asking for handouts from other countries. And this just pisses people off - the people in the socialist country who have their free ride taken away and the people from the country providing bail out money as they see their taxes going to a bad investment.
Sound all too familiar? Look at the debate in Congress over raising the debt ceiling. Look how much the Obama administration has run up the national debt. Look how much we owe the Chinese. And now our government is forced to cut benefits, which we all will pay for either by picking up expenses formally paid for by the government or through higher taxes - or both.
No matter what happens, it will be painful for the average income American, who will be effected the most. Socialism fails - every time. So take a good look at Greece, because if we have four more years of Obama, Greece is our future.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Do We Ever Learn?

That’s the late Representative Charlie Wilson of Texas. For some who do not know his story, in the 1980s, Representative Wilson was instrumental in procuring funding to buy weapons for rebels in Afghanistan who were fighting a war against the Soviet Union who had invaded their country. Eventually, the Soviet Union threw in the towel in Afghanistan and retreated back to the USSR. The United States then pulled away from further funding for Afghanistan - over Representative Wilson’s objections. Seems old Charlie thought we ought to build some schools and roads since the country was in rubble - but it just wasn’t politically advantageous to support Afghanistan anymore.
So here we are, almost 30 years later, pulling US troops out of Afghanistan. But why, have we completed our mission? Are we 100% sure the Afghan security forces can stand on their own? Or, is it just not politically advantageous to support Afghanistan,,,, again.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Run, Rick, Run??

Gov. Rick Perry of Texas may run for President. He certainly sounds like a candidate, especially his recent speech in New Orleans this past Saturday. His comments were “Reagan-esk” - which has set him apart from all of the other Republican Presidential hopefuls. He indicated, like Reagan, that the Federal Government is not the answer, it’s the problem. He told his fellow Republicans to stop pandering to the left, because no matter what Republicans do, Liberals will never like them. And finally, he is a strong advocate of states rights - in that perhaps, yes perhaps, the Obama administration doesn’t know what’s better for us than we do.
Which brings about the liberals only criticism of Perry so far - in that he suggested that Texas should secede from the Union to escape the tentacles of Washington DC. The liberals said that statement was stupid. That only tells me the limousine liberals in Washington know very little about Texas or Texans. After all, they obviously forgot that Texas was an independent country before it joined the union - Texas decided to join the Union - Texas can certainly state if it would like a divorce. But, how could the liberal elite understand Texas? After all, Texas has more job growth than any other state, lower unemployment that most, and is one of the fastest growing states in the Union.
So, Run Rick Run. Liberals already hate you -- so you must be doing something right.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Same Old Double Standard

Anthony Weiner. Representative from New York. Liberal. Democrat. One of the privileged few. Still in Congress. Even though the evidence about his alleged sex photos to women via his Twitter account are pretty convincing that the good Congressman has been doing something a little less than honorable.
So just why is he still in Congress? Why has this dragged on so long? Simple answer is above - he’s a liberal Democrat. Weiner’s situation has gotten so much bad press that even Nancy Pelosi has stated it’s time for him to go. But he is still in office. Supposedly he is now seeking “treatment”? For what, a sex addiction? Twitter-idis?
I hear the liberal pundits on CNN stating what ‘restraint’ the Republicans were demonstrating while everyone had a chance to get all of the facts on Representative Weiner. The real reason is that Republicans were just letting Weiner self destruct - which exposes the Liberal Democrats for the hypocrites they are - because if Anthony Weiner had been a Republican, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of their liberal comrades would have on Weiner like Vampires on the hemophiliac.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Higher Ceilings...

This has nothing to do with Joe Cocker, other than that's what was playing on my iPad when I was staring at the ceiling of my living room. As Joe screamed "my baby, she wrote me a letter", I was thinking how high the ceiling was. It's pretty high. Then I thought if the ceiling represented just how much debt I owed, then the higher the ceiling, the higher the debt. Well, I could just go out and get more debt so I could spend more, after all, I can always find some idiot that wants to lend me more money -- or I could lower my debt by spending less. hmmmm,,, I wonder which one makes sense - well, of course, the correct answer is to stop spending so much damn money and lower my debt.
But, that's not what our President thinks - he says up the debt ceiling. Evidently, he must like high ceilings in his home. And Joe Cocker sings on....

Our Next President?

I posted this just because I thought it was funny. But then I got thinking,, what if.. What if Obama screws up the country so bad that the liberal establishment demanded a different candidate in 2012? While not realistic, don't be surprised if you see a "Draft Hillary" movement from the extreme left. If you Google Hillary 2012, you're gonna get plenty of hits - people are talking about it -- it's no longer "unthinkable" that she would challenge the sitting president of her own party. The Old NCO sez, if Hillary steps down from her Secretary post earlier than planned, then Vegas money will say she's gonna be on a few primary ballots..

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Teabagger - Defined.

The left must really be frightened of Americans who are part of the Tea Party Movement. Bill Maher is one of them. His continued use of the term “Teabaggers” to describe those of the Tea Party is proof. For those of you who may not understand Mr. Maher’s terminology, you need to look it up. Here’s a hint, it is slang for what some would describe as an un-natural sexual act. You can check out Urban if you need a more specific definition.
But back to Mr. Maher – He, like other liberals, remembers quite well the very bad spanking those very Tea Party people they try to denigrate handed them in the recent midterm elections. They cannot afford to allow the Tea Party any power in 2012, or the socialist faithful's “chosen one” won’t see a second term.
So when you hear Mr. Bill Maher use the term Teabaggers in reference to the Tea Party, know that it is not for comic effect, nor is he just fond of the term – it’s a well-placed term liberals would like to implant in your brain to diminish the Tea Party – it’s part of their strategy plan for the 2012 election.
And it is further proof that the best liberals can offer America is tearing down their competition rather than offering anything constructive to the country.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Where Are They Now?

Where did they go? You know, all the war protest people. It seems they are not out and about much these days - but from what I know, we are still fighting wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now supporting a military objective in Lybia? I would think the peaceniks would be out in full force. But that's not the case.
Could it be these folks were more Anti-Bush then Anti-War - cause now 'their' guy is in the White House and it's a little hard to bash your own chosen one. Wait until a Republican gets back in the White House in 2012 - that'll get em back out in the streets.

Billion Dollar Baby

Barack Obama is running for re-election. What a shock. And now he has made the claim that he will raise one billion dollars for his campaign. One billion dollars. I wonder, if he can do such a good job raising that amount of money for a political campaign, how about raising a little money to pay off the country's trillions of dollars of unsustainable debt he has run up during his presidency?

Today's Word is "Extreme"

The latest direction to all liberals from their DNC leadership is to demonize the Tea Party Movement. You know, that bunch of average Americans who had the audacity to tell the political elite in both major political parties that they were as mad as hell and were not gonna take it anymore. How dare they – to expect their elected representatives to actually do their jobs.
Well, Harry Reid and Democrats will have none of that. The Tea Party Movement is a direct threat to the apathy needed by the elitist left to cram more Socialism down our throats. So, to demonize the Tea Party, the order has gone out to all leftist to use the word “Extreme” in every sentence they speak about the Tea Party. You’ll hear liberal catch phrases like “The Tea Party Extremist” – “These Extreme policies of the Tea Party” and on and on. Just listen to the news when one of these liberal elitist is spewing their propaganda – I guarantee if they say “Tea Party” that the word “Extreme” is soon to follow. They are hoping that if they say the two together enough, then people will start to believe it. That’s what they do – the whole DNC battle plan is to win by making the other guy appear worse. Republicans get blamed for doing this too, but after Crap and Trade, Obama-care, TARP, and other Socialist programs, it’s hard for Republicans not to look better than Democrats.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The New Obama

Barack Obama - A friend to business. Sure. That’s what he’d like you to believe. Today, our President gave a speech to the US Chamber of Commerce telling they how much he is a supporter of small business, how he is taking actions to assist US business to succeed. What a crock. President Obama with his socialist policies has just about as much credibility professing his love of US business as Adolf Hitler would have speaking at the American Jewish Conference. Now before all of you liberal nut jobs accuse me, I’m not comparing Barack Obama to Adolph Hitler. I’m just pointing out the possibility that very few folks at the US Chamber of Commerce actually believe the President is their ally. I wonder why. Well, lets start with his statement to ease the burdensome regulations on small business by conducting a government review of those needless regulations. OK, that’s great. What he didn’t say is that on the heals of what will be a worthless review comes tons of new regulations tied to the President’s Health Care Bill, the Crap and Trade Bill, and the Dodd-Frank Bill. So when the members of the Chamber listened to the President today, no wonder they were a little skeptical.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Going Obama Green

Why can’t we be more like France? That seems to be the basis of the Obama Energy policy. Why? Because gas prices in France are high. So why are they high? Well ‘go green’ liberals would tell you it’s due the metric system, imperial gallons to liters conversion, etc, etc, – well just something that as a conservative, you’re too stupid to understand. That’s what they want you to believe. Well, it’s not really the gas. It’s the tax rates. France taxes gas almost up to 70% of its cost – so for every Euro of gas, add 70% in tax. However, in America, if you figure in both state and federal taxes, our gas tax is approximately 18%.
So the Obama policy of being more like France serves their Socialist agenda well. First, if they can get the gas tax up high enough, then by comparison, the high cost of ‘green’ energy becomes more palatable to the American public. When a gallon of gas cost $7, then you’d be more apt to plug in your electric econo-box every night – even though it only has a range of 100 miles. And even better, they can get more of those gas-guzzling SUVs off the road that those evil rich people love to drive.
Secondly, it would be a large influx of tax revenue to the Federal government – that would only go to fund more big government, and not go to paying off the crippling debt we owe China.
So go buy that Nissan Leaf and install those solar panels on your roof (if you can afford it)
Au revoir mon ami

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Good Riddance

I assume MSNBC decided the liberal wave that recently descended across America with the election of Barack Obama is over – and therefore no need to extend the contract of their favorite liberal loony, Keith Olbermann. The “Countdown” has finally ended – and with it, the nightly dribble of the liberal love feast. Question is who is left in prime time to interview Janeane Garofalo? Poor Janeane.

Friday, January 21, 2011

First, my apologies to my loyal reader(s) who follow my blog – I’ve been absent from the cloud for far too long. I’ll do better. But rather than just jumping back in my usual ranting a raving about our liberal brethren, I wanted to relay a point of greater importance. This struck me this morning while waiting in line at the Starbucks. In line in front of me was a member of the US Navy – dressed in BDUs (that’s a battle dress uniform for those of you in the civilian world – you know, those green & brown uniforms they wear in Call to Duty or whatever video war game you indulge yourself.) On the drive to Starbucks, several ideas were rattling around in my head for my blog – the usual stuff, like why liberal ideas are counterproductive to economic growth, Obamacare SHOULD be repealed, etc, etc. But seeing this Navy person made me think of something more important – and that would be their service allows me to even have a blog. I’m sure I don’t have a counterpart in a downtown Teheran coffee shop this morning writing that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is an idiot and that his policies are ruining Iraq. So when we were both waiting at the counter for our morning cup of Joe, I thanked them for their service. I think they were a little surprised at my comment, but they should not have been – this should happen all the time. I’m not saying all of us don’t appreciate those that decide to serve our country by putting on the uniform (well, except for those extreme liberal nut cases that hate the military).
So the next time you see one of our nation’s finest, thank them for their service to our country. They already know that, but it’s nice to tell them. They gave you the freedom and protect an economic system in which you can earn enough to buy that $5 cup of coffee – and you may even want to buy them theirs.